大学 Policies

澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院 is committed to making its academic programs and services 对有残疾的合格学生开放. 这是澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立大学的目标 为残疾学生提供平等发展和展示的机会 他们的学术技能,同时保持学院课程的学术诚信. Consistent with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with 1990年的《澳门威尼斯人APP下载》和2008年的《澳门威尼斯人APP下载》,这是澳门威尼斯人APP下载的政策 State 大学 that no qualified person with a disability shall be subjected to discrimination 在任何项目或活动下的残疾 the 大学.

 招生办公室处理所有入学申请. Admission standards are described 在 大学 catalog and must be met by all students, regardless of disability. 我们鼓励残疾学生与 在狮群骄傲(迎新)或课程开始前担任特殊人群主任. 在狮群骄傲节期间需要住宿的学生需要提前联系 their scheduled date.

大学不需要改变基本的学术要求. 可以证明对一门课程或学习计划至关重要的要求 或对任何直接相关的发牌要求,均不视为歧视.

当 to self-identify as a student with a disability is a decision for the student. However, prospective students are encouraged to contact the 导演 of Special Populations 查阅有关服务及设施的资料,并讨论有关的问题 to admission. If accommodations are needed for placement testing, all documentation 必须在美国助理检察官办公室存档.

特殊人群局局长 作为残疾学生的中心联络点. 的 goal of the ADA 办公室 is to provide a physically and educationally accessible 大学 environment 这确保了一个人是根据能力而不是残疾来看待的. 的 导演 of Special Populations works individually with students to determine appropriate and reasonable academic accommodations, and to have students’ academic performance 在没有残疾限制的情况下进行评估.

Per Board Policy 517.01, no animal or pet may be brought on 校园. Exceptions to 本政策包括导盲犬、实验动物、待用动物 用于事先批准的教学或特殊项目,以及宠物安置 指定的宠物收容所,只有当总督宣布使用校园作为一个 飓风疏散避难所.


服务 Animals

澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院致力于确保学生享有平等的入学机会 残障人士以及可能访问校园的客人.  这是学院的政策 允许服务性动物,根据美国残疾人法案的定义,在一个 根据具体情况,到教室和/或宿舍. 的 policy and 规定的目的是在解决健康和安全问题的同时允许平等获得机会 关注,特别是在教室和/或宿舍房间. 

服务 animals have been individually trained to do work or perform certain task 残疾人士.  (有一个例外允许迷你马). 服务 animals (including puppies and trainees) are identified to the faculty, staff, and community by a harness, service animal vest, 和/或 other identifying gear noting 它是一种服务性动物.  如果没有标识设备,教职员工可以 问两个允许的问题: 

  1. 服务性动物是否因残疾而需要?
  2. 你的服务性动物被训练去完成哪些任务?

的 work or task a service animal has been trained to perform must be directly related 对人的残疾.  服务性动物被允许进入所有一般 public is allowed.  服务性动物必须在工作人员的控制下 在任何时候都是残疾人,而且必须遵守家规. 业主负责 服务动物的健康和清洁.  业主也有责任 清除动物粪便,保持服务动物的清洁环境. 的 service animal must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered unless the services or 所提供的任务将受到阻碍.

所有ergies 和/或 fear of service animals are not acceptable reasons for excluding 然而,服务性动物应该与其他可能拥有服务性动物的动物合作 allergies or other conflicting disabilities.  Individuals with conflicting disabilities 可要求提供适当的残疾证明文件,以确定是否合理 solution for both individuals with a disability.

Support Animals

A support animal is not trained to do work or perform certain task(s) and is used for therapeutic benefits.  《澳门威尼斯人APP下载》允许提供支助 公共住房中的动物.e. dorm rooms. 的se animals are not necessarily allowed in places the general public is allowed; hence, support animals may be excluded from 教室或宿舍的公共区域.  Additionally, it cannot be an animal that poses a health or safety threat to other individuals.

Student’s 请求ing to have a support animal residing 在 dorms must register the animal with the ADA Office and provide medical documentation of a disability which also describes the assistance the animal provides for this type of accommodation.  任何要求在宿舍里有支持动物的学生都必须提出 申请不迟于每学期分配房间前30天.  所有 documentation will be reviewed by the ADA Office, the Dean of Students, and the Auxiliary 导演.

Once a determination is made, the student will be notified and will coordinate a plan with the Auxiliary 导演 for proper care and control of the animal.  的 student must complete an “申请在校园宿舍使用服务性或支持性动物。” and sign a form acknowledging that he/she has read, understands and agrees to the policies and procedures established by 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院 for maintaining an animal 在 dorm.   如果学生不遵守政策和程序, 学院有权将该动物从学生的校园宿舍中带走 费用.


学生必须遵守以下政策和程序来维护动物 in 校园 housing.  不遵守政策和程序将导致 animal being removed from 校园 property.

  1. 的 老板 is responsible to attend to and be in full control of the animal at all 次.  动物应套上挽具,系上皮带,和/或放置在适当的地方 封闭容器运输到宿舍以外的地方.  服务 animals may travel freely with the student throughout 校园 except where restrictions may apply due to health and safety reasons. Support animals are not allowed in common areas 和/或 other public areas while on 校园.
  1. 在共用的生活空间,动物应该在一个适当的容器/狗窝,如果 the 老板 is not 在 room with the animal.
  1. 的 老板 is responsible for following rules pertaining to the animal.  服务 animals are allowed in all public areas; however, support animals must be confined to the student’s dorm room.
  1. 主人负责动物健康所需的护理费用, including, but not limited to, veterinary care.  的 arrangements and responsibilities for the care of the animal are the sole responsibility of the 老板 at all 次, 包括根据需要定期洗澡和梳理.
  1. 的 老板 may not leave the animal for an unreasonable length of time.  的 animal cannot be left alone overnight or weekends.  如果 student leaves overnight or during 校园 breaks, the animal (regardless of species) cannot stay 在 room.
  1. 主人有责任清除动物的粪便.  Waste must be disposed of in a sealed bag 在 designated trash area outside of the dormitory.  如果 学生宿舍内任何地方的地板或地毯上有动物空洞 负责及时清理并通知所在区域的房管局 适当消毒.  学生必须支付与清洁有关的所有费用 up.  所有的动物必须被驯养和/或有一个批准的废物管理计划.  学院保留撤销批准废物管理计划的权利 health, safety, or environmental reasons. Such care shall be at the 费用 of the 老板.
  1. 该动物必须对该动物常见的疾病进行免疫接种. Animals, where appropriate, must have current vaccination against rabies and wear a rabies vaccination tag.  住在校园宿舍的动物必须有年度清洁账单 of health from a licensed veterinarian.  Documentation can be a vaccination certificate 用于动物或兽医澳门威尼斯人APP下载动物健康的声明. 同时, service animals and support animals must be treated regularly for fleas and ticks. 的 大学 has the authority to direct that the animal receives veterinary attention.
  1. 所有人有责任赔偿校园财产的任何损坏,包括但是 不限于,更换家具、地毯、窗户、墙面等. In addition, the 老板 is responsible for any pest control that may be needed due to the animal’s hygiene, including but not limited to, fleas, ticks, or other insects, parasites, or vermin.  业主将在维修或虫害时支付费用 control 和/或 move out.  学院有权收取学生的费用 for repairs or pest control; failure to pay will result 在 student’s account having a hold placed on it.
  1. Residents 在 room with the animal must sign an agreement approving the animal 和他们一起住在宿舍. 如果室友不签协议, either the 老板 of the animal, or the non-approving roommate, may be moved to a different location. 搬迁只能由辅助部门决定.
  1. 如果动物被遗弃,饲主有责任以书面通知辅理办事处 is no longer needed.

Guidelines for Requesting 服务 or Support Animals in Campus Housing

除极端情况外,请在提供服务前完成这些步骤 或支持动物到校园住房.  的 process must be completed at least 30 days before the beginning of the semester that the student intends for the animal to accompany him/her 在 dorm.

  1. 学生必须在澳门威尼斯人APP下载州美国残疾人法案(ADA)注册。 Office located 在 Bailey Building, room 804.  学生必须提供适当的 残疾的文件和文件必须提供的理由 need 和/或 use of an animal in a dorm room.  仅仅提供文档 not register a student with the ADA Office.  Please refer to the 大学 目录 or 有关如何注册和接收的更详细信息,请参阅ADA学生手册 accommodations on 校园.
  1. Once the student has registered with the ADA Office, the student must complete an “申请在校园宿舍使用服务性或支持性动物。.”  Veterinarian documentation must be attached to the application stating that the animal has been immunized against diseases common to that type of animal and that the animal does 对集体生活的其他校园居民不构成明显威胁. 获得这些文件将由学生承担费用.
  1. 学生还将收到一份动物生存的政策和程序清单 in 校园 housing. 学生必须签署一份表格,确认他/她已经阅读了 理解并同意澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立大学制定的政策和程序 Community 大学 for maintaining an animal 在 dorm and the consequences for noncompliance 有这样的政策和程序.
  1. 美国残疾人协会办公室、辅助办公室和学生院长将对申请进行评估.  辅助部门将通知学生申请的状态,或者如果 需要额外的信息.
  1. Please be aware that if the animal is removed from 校园, it will not be allowed 未经教务处批准擅自返校的.  Any cost for the 搬运动物的费用将由学生承担.

Access the Application to Utilize 服务 or Support Animal in Campus Housing application, 或致电256与特殊人口事务处长联络.352.8052.

手机、寻呼机、电子设备及其伴随的噪音会让人分心 to both staff and students in classrooms, labs, 办公室s, and libraries. 的se areas 还有不适合私人电话交谈的网站吗. In consideration 为了尽量减少干扰,手机和呼机应该调成“静音”状态。 或者在校园建筑内“振动”. 使用手机和电子通讯 在所有课堂/实验时间禁止使用电子设备. If an emergency situation is encountered, 应该提前得到批准. 员工应限制私人业务电话 phones or cell phones during the work day. Violators will be subject to disciplinary 行动. 在校路上开车时禁止发短信. 违反者将受到处罚 罚款和/或纪律处分.

In an effort to promote a healthier educational environment, WSCC adopted a Clean 2011年开始实施空气政策.

吸烟或使用烟草制品和产生蒸汽的电子设备(不包括电子烟) 由医生处方的米剂量吸入器和雾化器)禁止在WSCC上使用 property.

健康专业学生所需的临床徽章将如期办理 集团.

In compliance with the drug-free workplace requirements of Public Law 100-690 for recipients of federal contracts and grants, the following policy is in effect for 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院:

1.       非法制造、分发、拥有或使用管制毒品 substance is prohibited by 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院 on any property owned, leased, or controlled by 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院 or during any activity conducted, sponsored, authorized by, or on behalf of 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院. A “controlled “物质”应包括第1节中定义为受控物质的任何物质 《澳门威尼斯人APP下载》第102条. S. 代码802)或在阿拉巴马州 Uniform Controlled Substance Act (Code of Alabama, Section 2-2-1, et seq.).

2.       澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院有并将保持无毒意识 告知员工以下事项的程序:


b)       Maintenance of a drug-free workplace.



3.       Any employee who is convicted by any Federal or State Court of an offense 违反第一项规定者,应通知澳门威尼斯人APP下载总统 州立社区学院的上述定罪的书面在五(5)天内 conviction occurs. 在P中定义的信念.L. 100-690是指“…的发现” guilt (including a plea of nolo contendere) or imposition of sentence, or both.“任何 employee who has been convicted by any Federal or State Court of an offense that constitutes 首次申请完成后违反第一项规定者,应 notify the President immediately to avoid possible future complications.

4.       In the event of a report of a conviction pursuant to paragraph three, providing 该雇员在一个由联邦合同资助的项目或项目中工作 or grant, 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院 shall notify in writing within ten (10) 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院向任何联邦机构发出此类通知 is required under P.L. 100-690.

5.       In the event that an employee violates the provisions of paragraph one or 收到第三段所述的定罪,有关雇员应 受到适当的纪律处分,包括但不限于 终止雇佣关系. 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院也将保留 有权要求所述雇员,作为继续雇用的条件,完成 一种具有合理持续时间和性质的药物治疗或康复计划 员工自付费用.

6.       澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院 shall make a good-faith effort to ensure 第1至6段之后.

7.       Each employee of 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院 shall receive a 复制 of this policy.

WSCC已经建立了电子邮件作为发送官方信息的公认手段 致学生、教职员工. 因为学院为所有学生提供了 an e-mail address, communications with WSCC employees should be conducted through this address and comply with the Computer Use Policy, while noting that this correspondence 成为正式的大学记录. 这是所有教职员工和学生的责任 students to check their 大学 e-mail on a frequent and consistent basis and to understand that they are not absolved from the responsibilities associated with the contents of electronic communications if the communications are not received and read on a timely basis.

It is the policy of the Alabama Community 大学 System Board of Trustees and 澳门威尼斯人APP下载 State Community 大学, a postsecondary institution under its control, that no person 基于种族、肤色、性别、宗教、婚姻状况、国籍, 残疾、性取向、性别、年龄或任何其他受保护阶层 by federal and state 法律, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefit of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program, activity, admission treatment or employment. 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院在就业方面没有歧视 on the basis of race, color, religion, marital status, age, sex, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender or age, be excluded from participation in, 在任何项目、活动中被剥夺利益或受到歧视, 入院治疗或受雇. 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院不歧视学生 根据种族、肤色、宗教、婚姻状况、年龄、性别、国籍而进行就业 与工作表现无关的出身、性取向、性别或残疾. 澳门威尼斯人APP下载 State Community 大学 complies with the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended with the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Act of 1974, with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation 1973年的法案,美国残疾人法案和2008年的《澳门威尼斯人APP下载》修正案. 的 commitment to equal opportunity applies to all aspects of recruitment, employment, 以及学院内各级个人的教育.

不基于性别歧视的政策是美国宪法第九条所要求的 1972年教育修正案(20 USC第1681段,等. seq.) and Title 45, Part 86 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

的 大学 will not retaliate against any person because they have engaged in a protected activity opposing the 大学 or because they have made a complaint, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding or hearing alleging discrimination on a basis specified above.

任何有关其他法例及其适用的查询或投诉 implementing regulations as they relate to 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院 should be directed to: 

Title IX Coordinator
Telephone: 256.352.8340
Address: P.O. handeville, a35077, 2000号包厢

与无毒工作场所政策相结合,学院也遵守 1991年综合运输员工测试法案. 这一法案与那些有关 employees possessing or required to possess a Commercial Drivers’ License (CDL).

Any employee in or applicant for such a CDL position has special obligations to notify the 大学 that he or she has recently or is currently using certain physician-prescribed 可能影响测试结果和/或能力的药物或其他药物 履行他或她的职责. 现CDL员工须遵守以下规定:

  • reasonable suspicion exists that an employee has used a controlled substance or has otherwise violated the substance abuse rules, he/she may be tested.
  • 学院可在未经通知的情况下进行 random testing.
  • 当员工参与任何 事故 造成伤害或损坏学院财产,必须通知院长 辅警或警察总长.
  • 当 an employee returns from substance-abuse rehabilitation, the 大学 may require that he/she submit to follow-up testing.
  • 所有受影响的员工可能会被要求接受 urinalysis 作为重新认证体检的一部分.

完整的政策和相关程序可在主任办公室查阅 of Human Resources. 本政策和程序包括测试程序、收集 收集地点,收集程序,收集人员应直接使用的场合 Observe the Specimen Being Provided, Evaluations and Return of Results to the 大学, 要求复试,释放测试结果,纪律,调查和检索.



澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院提供高速互联网、电子邮件、 and network services through a Switched Ethernet Network interconnected by a fiber optic backbone. 的 network is provided for use by WSCC students, faculty, and staff 并且仅用于教育、学术研究和公共服务.

学院的网络/互联网为学生提供了一个优质的学习环境 by promoting a flexible delivery method of instruction, innovative technology, and state-of-the-art concepts in instruction. It also contributes to a growth-oriented learning environment for employees by promoting faculty and staff professional development opportunities. Through efficient management of the college’s 网络/互联网资源 and facilities, WSCC serves as a learning partner for its community and regional stakeholders. 此外,学院的技术基础设施和资源支持学院的 行政和业务流程,从而加强其外联,方案, and services.

Statement of Policy

1.     合乎道德及负责任地使用网络/互联网

a.     所有 users must be accountable for using these resources in an effective, ethical, and 法律ful manner. At any time and without prior notice, 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院 reserves the right to examine e-mail, personal 文件 directories, or any other information stored on WSCC computers or equipment. 此操作只允许使用express approval of the college president or presidential designee, 和/或 at the 请求 of authorized 法律 enforcement personnel.

b.     的 appropriate system administrator monitors access to the Internet.

c.     通过大学资源使用互联网构成了对这种行为的接受 monitoring.

d.     本政策应与所有其他WSCC一起阅读和解释 policies, including, but not limited to, policies prohibiting harassment, discrimination, offensive conduct, or inappropriate behavior.

e.     禁止用户以任何不道德或不道德的方式访问互联网 purpose, including any activity associated with pornography, obscenity, violence, gambling, racism, harassment, personal gain, or any illegal activity.

f.      Users are discouraged from using profanity or vulgarity when posting electronic 透过互联网邮寄或张贴于公众论坛(i.e., news 集团s). Any electronic 通过邮政发送给公共新闻组的邮件必须符合这些道德标准.

g.     所有用户必须遵守有关信息的所有联邦和州法律 通过互联网发送. 未经授权的发布或披露信息通过 互联网或通过任何其他方式是严格禁止的. 专有的或机密的 information pertaining to the college shall not be transmitted over the Internet.

h.     禁止所有用户通过澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立大学使用互联网接入 任何政治或个人牟利活动的制度.

i.      任何记录的材料必须由用户审核其完整性和适当性. Users are responsible for any content they post. In particular, Tegrity (澳门威尼斯人APP下载 State’s 用于教学目的的首选演示捕获服务)记录应该 be reviewed to ensure they do not contain any extraneous recorded content before, during, or with the main content recording.

j.      任何和所有违反本政策的材料不得转发给 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立大学网络内外的任何个人或实体. This restriction includes, but is not limited to, e-mails that are forwarded to other individuals.

k.     Users are forbidden from engaging in any activity which is in violation of 《澳门威尼斯人APP下载》(1975)第36-25-1至36-25-30条,并经修订(“州道德”) 法例”),或本会行政当局认为可能违反法例的规定 法律.

2.     Accounts

a.     适当的系统管理员必须批准所有帐户并颁发密码 允许访问大学网络/互联网资源. 必须对用户进行认证 through a 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院-assigned network user name and password.

b.     的 user name and password, including those used to access e-mail or an instructional platform such as Blackboard, are the responsibility of the individual to whom they are assigned. Any individual other than the person to whom they are assigned shall not use the user name and password or any other assigned authorization. Violations 本政策或任何其他政策的未经授权使用的用户名和 密码以用户名和密码分配给的个人为主体 纪律处分,直至开除.

c.     Users should not leave a computer logged on when vacating a workstation. 的 user is responsible for his or her account and any content left on the computer. 离开 无人值守的登录计算机将用户和机构置于危险之中.

d.     如果澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院不再雇佣个人, it is the responsibility of Human Resources to notify the appropriate system administrator to close the former employee’s account.

e.     Proper identification must be used in any electronic correspondence, and valid, 中的应用程序或服务器需要时提供的可跟踪标识 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立计算机设施.

3.     Software

a.     To prevent computer viruses from being transmitted through the system, no unauthorized 允许下载或安装任何软件. 软件下载和安装 shall be done only after approval 和/或 assistance from the appropriate system administrator.

b.     Streaming media and music and video downloads are prohibited unless authorized by the appropriate system administrator.

c.     点对点(P2P)文件共享是禁止的,除非得到适当的授权 system administrator.

4.     Copyright Issues

a.     所有 college network/Internet users must adhere to the 复制right 法律 regarding 软件、数据和撰写的文件. 用户不得传送属于本网站的版权材料 给这所大学以外的实体. Users should exercise caution when downloading material from an Internet source as such 行动 may constitute violation of 复制right 法律.

b.     允许打印网页和从网站下载资料 Internet for informational purposes as long as the purpose for such 复制ing falls 属于“合理使用”范畴.“合理使用”被定义为著作权的学说 材料可逐字引用,但须注明出处和出处 引用的材料在范围上相当简短.

c.     对于用户侵犯版权,学院概不负责. Such responsibility 完全由使用者决定.

d.     用户故意侵犯著作权的,应当受到纪律处分 行动,包括可能的停职、开除或解雇.

5.     Personally Owned Computer Hardware/Software

a.     Personally owned software cannot be loaded onto a college-owned computer unless 它与工作职位直接相关,并由适当的系统批准 administrator. 如果任何经批准的个人电脑软件被装入 学院自有计算机,许可证和证件必须留在学院计算机内 在学校进行审计的时候.

b.     Computer hard drives may not be installed or removed without the express written 获授权人员同意.

6.     隐私 of Information

a.     通过或存储在任何澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院的信息 电子网络或通信或计算机系统可能被其他人视为一个 variety of reasons. 日常管理、管理或审计功能可能需要 通过澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院的计算机存储或传输的信息 网络将被拦截. 电子交易可能会受到 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院 without notice. 所有用户都应该完全理解 不能保证通过澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区传播的信息 学院的电子系统或存储在澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院的系统将 remain private.

b.     用户应尊重他人的隐私,包括但不限于: 避免未经授权访问电子邮件、文件、数据和传输.

c.     所有 users should be aware of and comply with the Family Educational Rights 和隐私法(FERPA),以及其对使用和传播的限制 个人及学术资料.

7.     Computer Crimes

        的 Alabama Computer Crime Act, codified at Code of Alabama (1975) §§ 3A-8-100 根据13A-8-103的规定,任何人在未经授权的情况下进行破坏,都是犯罪行为 修改计算机设备、计算机网络、计算机程序和耗材 或者未经授权访问、检查或使用计算机数据和程序 provides for punishment up to a Class B Felony. 联邦法律也将其定为犯罪 访问部分专用于联邦目的的计算机或计算机网络,而无需 proper authorization. 任何违反有关计算机的州或联邦法律的行为 shall also constitute a violation of the WSCC Policy for Acceptable Use of Technology Resources. 此外,此策略禁止各种操作(如下所述) 是否构成犯罪.

Conditions of Use of the Internet and E-mail

1.       As a condition of access to the 网络/互联网资源, employees are 须签署“可接受使用科技资源政策”的确认书 form. 学生在进入计算机实验室时也需要在此表格上签名 校园. 在线学生可以在“入门”区域查看表格的数字副本 在在线课程中(如通过Blackboard平台),并且必须承认 了解本政策后通过完成一个小测验来打开自己的剩余在线 course content.

2.       Users under the age of 18 must have a minor consent form (Appendix B of Acceptable 由家长或法定监护人签署的《澳门威尼斯人APP下载》,才有资格使用学院的资料 网络/互联网资源. 未成年人访问或正确使用互联网 完全由父母或法定监护人负责.

3.       Employees who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary 行动s, up to and including discharge in accordance with guidelines provided by the Alabama Community 学院制度(SBE政策619).01).

4.       违反本政策的学生将受到纪律处分 在大学目录的学生手册部分.

5.       Community members utilizing open 校园 computers, such as those 在 library, 必须同意机构的“可接受使用科技资源政策” and are subject to being banned from using the college’s equipment and Internet access 如果发现违反了条款.

Unacceptable Use

的 following activities are prohibited on all WSCC technology resources. 的 activities 所列内容仅供参考,并非包罗万象.

1.       Altering system software or hardware configurations without authorization WSCC技术部主任.

2.       通过互联网或任何其他广播方式获取色情内容; 淫亵,或暴力的图像或内容或任何其他材料违反当地, 州和联邦法规. 利用资源进行赌博,种族歧视,骚扰或 political campaigning is also prohibited.

3.       利用技术资源从事非法活动.

4.       Accessing or attempting to access another user’s 文件s, e-mail or other resources 除本协议另有规定外,未经其许可.

5.       允许未经授权的人使用授权用户的帐户,用户 name, or password.

6.       将技术资源用于商业或盈利目的,不得 WSCC的书面授权.

7.       Installing, 复制ing, distributing or using software that has not been authorized by the WSCC Campus Technology Department.

8.       传播的:产生或传播电子邮件、广播或其他信息的 这可能被视为淫秽、辱骂、种族主义或骚扰.

9.       Creating 和/或 distribution of viruses or other destructive programs.

10.    未经授权发布或披露任何机密的学院、人员、 or student information.

11.    以侵犯专利保护的方式使用任何计算机技术 license agreements.

12.    从事任何违反版权法的活动. 这些活动可能包括 utilizing WSCC technology to 复制 和/或 distribute 复制righted materials without authorization.

13.    Using WSCC computer technology to support or oppose any candidate or candidates 为公职或任何其他政治目的. (将国有财产用于 政治目的构成了对阿拉巴马州法律的违反).

Disciplinary Action

不可接受的使用是被禁止的,并且是失去计算特权的理由,如 以及联邦、州和地方法律规定的纪律或法律制裁. Students who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary 行动s, up to and including expulsion from the college. Employees who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary 行动s, 直至并包括根据系统政策的解雇.

Social Media

澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院 recognizes the value of social media in communicating 与学生互动. 学院的社交媒体网站推广学院课程, 服务和活动,促进学院的使命. Students are 鼓励在大学赞助的社交网站上发表建设性的文章 media sites.


1.       澳门威尼斯人APP下载 State maintains official pages on 脸谱网, 推特, YouTube and LinkedIn, among others. 这些页面的目的是发展澳门威尼斯人APP下载州 虚拟社区,支持招聘和保留,并促进互动性 with the college.

2.       大学赞助的社交媒体账户由WSCC营销部门监控 Department. Questions and comments are welcome; however, inappropriate or uncivil posts will be removed.

3.       Public expression of opinion by students shall be in accordance with the WSCC学生行为准则中规定的条款和条件.

4.       公开表达与学院的不歧视政策相冲突 可能造成敌对的教育环境,因此被禁止.

5.       Disclosure of proprietary or confidential information is prohibited.

6.       WSCC可以删除任何不直接支持其使命,计划, or services. 第三方发布的看起来像是其他公司广告的帖子 or organizations may also be removed.

7.       如果一个地区或学生团体希望在大学网站上放置一个项目, send the 请求 to the 导演 of Marketing.

If an area or student 集团 wishes to create its own social media site:

1.       请取得主管的许可.

2.       Obtain permission from the 导演 of Marketing in advance of the site creation. 请求中应包括该地区希望的社交媒体网站名称 使用,目标受众和目的的社会媒体网站.

3.       学生和员工都不能使用个人账户(一).e., Hotmail, Gmail, etc.)创建澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立网站. In some cases, a generic 澳门威尼斯人APP下载 State e-mail account (I.e., maneissue@dongxin01.com) may be needed to create the social media site.

4.       的 college requires administrative rights to any social media site that 是由WSCC批准或赞助的.

  1. 媒体代表应在入场前与传讯部和市场部联系 校园 to speak to employees or students.
  2. 参观校园的人士须到狮子中心办理参观证.
  3. 所有 police or other 法律 enforcement visitors to see individual students must be joined 由WSCC警官、学生教务长、夜间协调员或其他指定人员负责 while meeting with students on 校园.
  4. 如果有人在无人陪同的情况下出现在教室门口找学生,老师 应指引他/她前往狮子中心或合适的聚会地点.
  5. Visitors for the purpose of serving papers on a student will be verified as legitimate 与学生见面前,要保证论文的真实性.
  6. Students will be contacted at location specified by 法律 enforcement visitor and asked to speak with visitor 在 Campus Police Department, Dean of Students, or Auxiliary 导演’s 办公室.
  7. WSCC staff will not give out any information on a student aside from 导演y Information (姓名、地址、电话、出生日期、文化程度、专业). Officer/visitor must already know location of student.
  8. Guests, such as children, personal friends, or family members of faculty/staff members 或学生,应该有一个特定的目的,延长访问校园和 be limited in time and location to not interfere with college/departmental operations. 除非事先批准,否则客人不得在上课时间进入教室.


1.       Any member of the 大学 community who believes that he or she has been the victim of sexual harassment or illegal discrimination may bring the matter in 写信给任何学术或行政官员,院长,主任, supervisor, or advisor. 当书面投诉被报告给这些机构时 个人,投诉的接收者将把投诉转发给标题 九、协调员,由主席指定,负责协调调查工作 of such complaints. 的 President and the Vice Chancellor for Legal and Human Resources 应及时将投诉通知阿拉巴马州社区学院系统.

2.       投诉人应在事后尽快提出投诉 发生涉嫌性骚扰或歧视行为. 投诉人应提交 a written statement of the allegations. Retaliation against a student or employee 禁止提出性骚扰或歧视投诉. Retaliation is itself a violation of this policy and may be grounds for disciplinary 行动.

3.       这一政策的目的是解决性骚扰投诉 以及非法歧视. 除了特殊情况, all complaints will be investigated and resolved with forty-five (45) days of receipt. Every possible effort shall be made to ensure confidentiality of information received 作为调查的一部分. 我们会在“需要知道”的基础上处理投诉; 为了保护双方的利益.

4.       的 investigation record shall consist of formal and informal statements 从被指控的受害者,被指控的罪犯,证人,和其他被认为 investigator to have pertinent knowledge of the facts involved 在 complaint. 的 investigation will afford the accused a full opportunity to respond to the allegations. 如果 results of the investigation and informal resolution of the complaint are accepted by the alleged victim and he or she desires no further 行动 against the alleged harasser, the complainant will sign a statement 请求ing that no further 行动 be taken.


Formal Action

1.       如果 complaint cannot be resolved on an informal basis, the complainant 可以提出正式投诉吗. 每个投诉人都有权继续或撤回 一旦提交正式投诉程序. 的 issues involved 在 complaint should not be changed once the charge has been made. However, administrative procedures may be revised to accommodate issues arising during the investigation which 在最初投诉发生时,投诉人或机构并不知道 提起.

2.       对学生的投诉将按惯例处理 在学校有效的学生纪律程序.

3.       如果发生针对员工的投诉,第九条协调员将 notify the accused in writing of the complainant’s decision to take formal 行动. Formal 行动 will consist of the Title IX procedures as set forth below.

a.       申诉表格A的正本和两份副本必须提交给适当的 院长(取决于投诉人的工作区域分配)在30个日历天内 following the date of alleged violation(s) of the Title IX regulation. Personnel whose work assignment is outside the authority of the above-named Dean should 文件 Form A和总统办公室. 所指控的违规行为必须清楚具体 所述. 投诉人应备存所有表格的副本.

b.       院长将立即通知校长和第九条协调员 收到申诉表格A. 院长将有30个日历天的时间 收到投诉表格A,以调查、研究投诉人的指称 a formal hearing, and make a written report of findings to complainant. Form A must be used for the report. 表格A的副本必须提供给第九条协调员 and the President. 投诉人的复印件必须邮寄 to his/her home address by certified 邮件,回执要求.

c.        Complainant must, within 15 calendar days following receipt of the Dean’s 报告,向校长和第九条协调员提交书面接受通知 or appeal of the report. 如提出上诉通知,则必须使用上诉表格B. 投诉人必须在表格B上清楚而具体地说明对调查结果的反对意见 及/或院长的决定. 表格B的副本必须提供给第九条协调员 and the President. 如投诉人未能于 收到院长报告后的第15个日历日,有权进一步上诉 will be forfeited.

d.       主席将在收到投诉人之日起30个日历天内 上诉通知书,要求调查及研究投诉人的指控及报告 ,并就调查结果向投诉人作出书面报告. Form B must be used for the report. 表格B的副本必须提供给第九条协调员和 the Chancellor. 投诉人的复印件必须邮寄 to his/her home address by certified 邮件,回执要求.

e.       投诉人必须在收到主席的信函后的15个日历日内 报告,向校长和第九条协调员提交书面接受通知 or appeal of the report. 如提出上诉,必须使用上诉表格C. Complainant must state clearly and specifically on Form C the objections to the findings 及/或主席的决定. Copies of Form C must be provided to the Title 九、协调员和校长. 如投诉人未能于 the end of the 15th calendar day following receipt of the President’s report, the right to further appeal will be forfeited.

f.         的 Chancellor will have 30 calendar days following the date of receipt of complainant’s notice of appeal to investigate, study complainant’s allegations and the report of the President, hold a formal hearing, and make a written report 向投诉人提交调查结果. 报告必须使用表格C. Copies of Form C must be provided to the Title IX Coordinator. 投诉人的复印件必须邮寄 请以挂号信寄往他/她的地址,并交回收据.

注意: 如果 last day for filing notice of appeals falls on either Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday, complainant will have until the close of the first working day following the 第十五个日历日提交.

除非另有规定,卫生间和更衣室是男女分开的 发布. Locations of family or unisex restroom can be obtained through the 办公室 of the Dean of Students. 禁止在洗手间或更衣室里闲逛 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院’s 校园.

Violators are subject to disciplinary 行动.

澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院 is committed to providing a workplace and 校园 community free of sexual misconduct and harassment. As required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the 大学 does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its education programs and activities. 这包括影响大学员工的歧视 和申请人就业,学生和申请人入学,或会员 the public. 所有 members of the 大学 community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others, whether on college premises or at any 大学 owned off 校园 location and while participating in any educational 学院的计划或活动.

Sexual harassment, which includes sexual misconduct and sexual assault, is a form 而这是《澳门威尼斯人APP下载》第九条所禁止的 of 1972 and the Violence Against Women Act. This policy is intended to reaffirm the 大学’s commitment to address sexual harassment and take steps to prevent its reoccurrence 并保留或恢复学院的教育计划和活动的平等机会. 约会暴力、家庭暴力和跟踪也可能被认为是性行为的形式 discrimination. 鉴于这些违法行为的严重性,学院采取了 具体的政策和程序,概述在学生手册,就业政策, 以及网页,以解决性骚扰,性行为不端的指控, 性侵犯,约会暴力,家庭暴力,跟踪. 的 大学 believes 没有人应该独自承受性骚扰的影响. 当 such conduct occurs, the 大学’s paramount concern is for the safety and well-being of those impacted. To support and assist students, the 大学 provides a range of resources 其中包括一名训练有素的顾问.

Under Title IX, individuals reporting allegations related to sexual harassment 和/或 性暴力,有权解决自己的投诉,有学院 conduct a prompt, thorough and impartial investigation, and to receive supportive 采取措施确保涉及的个人和学院的安全和福祉 community.

当提出任何形式的性骚扰和/或性暴力指控时 提请第九条协调员注意,如果发现应诉方 have violated this policy, serious sanctions will be used to prevent its reoccurrence. 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院 does not tolerate or condone retaliation. Individuals 希望举报性骚扰及/或性暴力及/或作出 有关第九章在学院应用的查询可以联系:

Kristen Holmes
801 Main Street
Phone: 256-352-8340
Email: kristen.holmes@dongxin01.com


Assistant Secretary
U.S. Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Telephone: 800-421-3481
Fax: 202-453-6012; TDD: 800-877-8339
Email: ocr@ed.政府

Information regarding the Title IX Coordinator and their role will be provided to all faculty, staff, students, applicants for admissions, and applicants for employment. 同时, this information is available on the 大学 website under the Title IX webpage.


美国.S. 教育部民权办公室(OCR)强制执行 法规,1972年教育修正案第九条. 第九条保护人们免受 在接受联邦政府资助的教育项目或活动中存在性别歧视 financial assistance. Title IX states that:

“No person 在 United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation 在任何教育中被剥夺利益或受到歧视 接受联邦财政援助的项目或活动.”

Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures

吸烟,以及烟草制品和产生蒸汽的电子设备(不包括电子烟) 由医生处方的米剂量吸入器和雾化器)禁止在WSCC上使用 property. 除非老师同意,一般禁止在教室里吃东西.

澳门威尼斯人APP下载 State promotes the open exchange of ideas among all members of the WSCC community, 包括学生、教师、职员和管理人员. 有利于…的环境 思想的公开交流对于智力的成长和积极的变化是必不可少的. 然而,WSCC认识到,有时,人们可能有差异,这是他们 unable or unwilling to resolve themselves. 的 procedures described below shall be 只有在学生做了所有合理的尝试后才能获得 与相应的学院官员或代表解决问题. 如果一个学生诚心诚意地努力解决问题 who has been unable to resolve the matter informally, WSCC offers the following grievance procedure as the appropriate course of 行动 for settling disputes and resolving problems. 任何学院官员的姓名、机构地址和电话号码 referred to herein may be obtained from the Office of the Vice President for Students.

This grievance procedure is not intended to be used by a student with a complaint about a strictly academic matter such as grades, work assignments, quality of instruction, 考试的公平性等. 任何想要投诉的WSCC学生 澳门威尼斯人APP下载严格的学术事项,应依成绩申诉程序办理. A complaint by a student relating to a disability shall be reported to the 大学 特殊人群协调员. 其他类型的投诉,应当向行政部门报告 学生事务副总裁. 如果投诉是针对某一特定事件,则 投诉必须在事件发生后10个工作日内提出 意识到发生了什么.

有投诉的学生应开始尝试通过以下方式解决问题 向有关的学院官员或代表提出 as 所述 above. If, after a discussion between the student and the respective 大学 官方或代表,确定投诉是有效的,可以 解决后,学院官员或代表将采取适当措施 解决投诉的措施. 如果 matter at issue involves an allegation of 性骚扰,性侵犯,约会暴力,或跟踪,请咨询 第九条政策和程序手册. 如果 matter at issue involves an allegation 身体虐待或种族歧视,或其他歧视或骚扰,或如果投诉 与残疾有关,或者如果投诉涉及盗窃或 如有其他不诚实行为,学院官员应提交书面报告 在提交投诉后10个工作日内向副总统报告 学生,系主任和第九条官员描述投诉和 它是如何解决的,或者它将如何通过“解决计划”来解决.”


澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院 desires to resolve all student grievances, complaints 而那些远程学习的学生们所关心的问题也包括在一个快捷、公平的地方 and amicable manner. 就读期间居住在阿拉巴马州以外的学生 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立大学希望解决申诉的学生应该跟随学院的学生 投诉过程概述在澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院目录和学生 Handbook. However, if an issue cannot be resolved internally, the student may 文件 a complaint with his or her state of residency. 的 NC-SARA website lays out the process to do so as well as provides phone numbers, emails 和/或 与州教育机构的链接. 由于加州不是NC-SARA成员,学生们 可以直接向 California Department of Consumer Affairs.

If, after exhausting all available institutional processes, a student’s complaint 未解决的问题,学生,包括远程学习的学生,可能会上诉 to the Alabama Community 大学 System (ACCS). 这个过程的细节可以找到 在 ACCS学生投诉流程.

澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院希望所有学生在他们的生活中使用成熟的判断力 personal dress and hygiene while on 校园. One of the major objectives of 澳门威尼斯人APP下载 State Community 大学 is to aid students in preparing themselves to secure and maintain professional employment. 学生必须穿着整齐,保持个人卫生 这对于他们正在接受培训的职业和专业来说是合适的. 因此,所有的项目主管和导师都必须做出适当的解释 dress and hygiene for their classroom setting. 教官有权拒绝 学生因着装不规范或违反卫生规定而进入课堂. 任何学生,教职员工, 部门主管或对着装和卫生有疑问的员工 应该联系学生教务处吗.

所有 WSCC students are required to possess current photo student ID cards while on 校园或诊所. 学生可到狮子中心办理身份证. 身份证可装入现金(Lion Loot),用于校园自动售卖、打印、 购买书店,宴会厅,图书馆退房. 第一张卡是免费的,但是 更换卡的费用是10美元. See community.wallacestate.Edu获取更多信息 new features. ID cards can be issued to new students beginning on the first day of each semester.

澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院维护学生的信息,这有助于 educational development of students and effective administration of the 大学. In order to guarantee the rights of privacy and access as provided by the Family Educational 1974年《澳门威尼斯人APP下载》(经61号联邦法规59291号修订) 21, 1996), 澳门威尼斯人APP下载


General Policy

No information from records, 文件s, or other data directly related to a student (other 那么“目录”信息(定义见下文)应披露给个人或机构 outside the 大学 without the written consent of the student; except pursuant to a court subpoena or court order, or except in a case where educational or 政府ernmental officials have a 法律ful need for the information. 但是,所包含的信息 这些记录可能会在学院内部披露给学院官员和工作人员 with a need for the particular information. Students shall be afforded the opportunity 除下列例外情况外,有权查阅所有有关自己的资料; in accordance with procedures outlined within this policy statement.

就本政策而言,“学生”被定义为“目前的任何个人” or previously enrolled in any course offered by 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院.”               

就本政策而言,学生的教育记录定义为 records, 文件s, documents or other materials that contain information directly related to a student and are maintained by the 大学 or a person acting on behalf of the 大学. Specifically excluded from the definition of “educational records” and not 学生可查阅下列资料:

  1. 教学、督导及行政人员之档案 制造者的独家占有;
  2. Records of 校园 security, except in those instances where they have been transmitted with在 大学 for administrative purposes; and          
  3. 由内科医生、精神病医生、心理学家、 or other recognized professional or para-professional acting in a professional or para-professional capacity or assisting in that capacity and which are created, maintained or used only in connection with the provision of diagnosis or treatment to the student 并且除了提供这种治疗的人之外,任何人都无法获得 本人或本人书面授权的其他人士 to receive such information from such records.

导演y Information

以下是学院可能提供的学生信息列表 without prior consent of the student:

  1. Student’s name;
  2. Student’s address (local and permanent);
  3. 学生电话号码;
  4. 学生的出生地点;
  5. 学生主修领域;         
  6. 学生参加官方认可的活动、俱乐部、组织、 and athletics
  7. Degree and awards received by the student;
  8. 的 previous institution most recently attended by the student; and    
  9. 的 height and weight of varsity athletes.

上面列出的大部分信息都是在大学刊物上例行发布的. 然而,如果任何学生希望上述任何信息不被 ,学院将不会公开该等资料 on that student, provided that the student makes a 请求 for the information to 被扣留者,要求在申请结束前办理逾期登记 the given academic term. 不公开目录信息的请求可以 be completed 在 Admissions Office. 学生也可以填写一份保密要求 照片,可用于大学营销或相关目的.

Disclosure of Student Records to the Student

Each student is afforded the right to inspect, 在 presence of the appropriate records official, such records, 文件s, and data primarily related to said student. In 要查阅档案,学生应该去找档案主任 of Admissions, 导演 of Financial Aid, or Business Manager) and initiate a written 请求. 如果学生不能亲自出席,学生必须提交一份公证 请求 to the appropriate records official. 的 请求 for inspection shall be granted 在合理的时间内,不超过四十五(45)天 of the receipt of the 请求 by the 大学. If, 在 opinion of the appropriate 记录官员,只有提供副本才能合理地完成检查 of documents, such copies shall be made and provided to the student. 的 right of inspection does not include financial statements of parents, confidential recommendations 1975年1月1日之前的文件,以及其他机密建议, to which access has been waived by the student.

Challenging the Contents of the Record

澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院 will respond to any reasonable 请求 for an explanation 或者对学生档案中任何项目的解释. 要求这样的解释或 interpretation should be addressed in writing to the Dean of Students. If, after inspecting a record, a student wishes to challenge any part of the 文件’s content, a written 请求 for a hearing should be addressed to the Dean of Students, who will set a 在收到书面请求后的四十五(45)天内举行听证会的日期和时间.

的 请求 for such a hearing should identify the item or items 在 文件 that 被质疑,并陈述质疑的理由,我.e. inaccuracy, misleading 自然或不适当. 教务处主任,以及相关的记录官员, shall examine the contested item or items 在 文件, shall hear the person(s) responsible for placing the item(s) 在 文件, and shall examine any documents or hear any testimony that the student wishes to present in support of making a 请求ed change to the 文件. 的 Dean of Students and the appropriate records official shall issue a written 在听证结束之日起十日内决定是否 item should be retained, deleted or revised. In the event that there is a determination that the item should remain 在 文件, the student shall be given the option of placing into his/her 文件, along with the challenged item, a brief written commentary or explanation of his or her challenge.

Waiver of Access

澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院 may 请求 that a student waive the right to inspect confidential recommendations regarding his/her application for admission, application 为就业,或获得荣誉或其他认可.

如果学生收到豁免请求,学生可以签署并归还豁免书。 可否要求一份之前将被要求提供推荐人的名单 签字时,可拒绝或放弃查阅权. 该弃权不属于免责 condition for admission to the 大学, for financial aid assistance, or for any other 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院学生获得的福利.


澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院的一般政策是拒绝授予第三名学生 当事人在没有学生个人书面同意的情况下查阅学生记录. In the event that a student should wish to have such records released or reviewed by a third party, the student must submit a written 请求 to the proper records 正式的,并在此同意中指定要发布或审查的记录,并且, if desired, a 请求 for copies of the respective records to be made available to the student. 一旦收到这样的书面同意,WSCC将授予适当的 进入学生指定的派对或派对. 的re shall be a service 本署要求影印任何纪录的影印本费用 学生或学生允许其索取复印件的人.

尽管有上述要求,学生记录仍可提供给 following persons without written consent of the student: appropriate college officials, official representatives of federal departments or agencies or state education authorities, 财政援助官员,公认的教育认证组织,组织 为行政评价等进行研究.,以及其他适当人员 在紧急情况下,有必要披露或合理推定披露 为保障学生或任何其他人的健康或安全而有需要 受雇于或就读于该学院.

由院校或代表院校拍摄的照片及/或录影; remain college property and may be distributed for publications, newspapers, commercials, student newspapers or yearbooks, or other appropriate sources unless the student signs 向招生办公室索取保密表格.

Records officials shall place in each student’s 文件 a record of all 请求s for 访问文件的权限,每个人的名字,每个人的信息请求从 提出任何此类请求的每个人所代表的档案、机构或机构; and the 行动 taken by the records official in response to the 请求. However, 对于WSCC官员提出的要求,没有必要保留这样的记录 谁需要访问相应的文件.

适当的记录官员将监督检查个别学生的记录。 and the student’s record 文件 shall not be taken from the designated record official’s 办公室. 的 student may obtain one unofficial 复制 of his/her academic record on written 请求 without charge. 非官方副本被定义为不承担责任的副本 the official seal of the 大学 impressed on the record, but is otherwise a true 复制. Records officials shall not 复制 or otherwise reproduce copies of official student transcripts or any other information obtained from transfer students as official transfer requirements.

Changes 在 Policy

本政策声明可根据任何一方的需要作出更改 联邦或州法规、指导方针或法院命令. Any change in policy 会刊登在随后的学院刊物上吗.

Unless supervised, students (including work studies) and visitors will not be allowed 在正常办公时间之外留在校园建筑内. 例外情况包括:1)如果 校园 is closed during normal hours by order of the President, students who need shelter or to wait on transportation to exit 校园 will be allowed to wait in a specified building; 2) Prior authorization for a pre-determined location and event via WSCC 事件 Office is obtained; 3) Prior authorization from WSCC President's or Dean of Students Office is obtained; and 4) Campus housing will follow housing policies on occupying dorms. Violators will be subject to 大学 disciplinary 行动 and additionally 会否被校警以非法侵入罪起诉.


学院不保证网站的服务不会出错。 不间断,或者说它会满足用户的需求. 的 大学 will not be 对因计算机故障、丢失等事件导致的服务或数据丢失负责 权力,或安全违规. By using the web site, the user agrees to abide by all college policies, state and federal 法律. 所提供的信息代表 the offerings and...read more

Additional Policies

Admissions Policies

Distance Learning and Student 隐私

Grading Policies

Financial Aid Policies


Marketing Policies